Requirements for any accounts
Requirements for any accounts:
1) Account's ID should be specified in the uploaded data.
2) The data block separator has to be a colon :
3) Accounts must not be stolen from real users. We do not sell real users' accounts.
4) The total cost of accounts for one application must be not less than 15 USD.
5) The uploaded data should not contain data that is not related to authorization in accounts.
6) The number of friends has to be more than 80% if the accounts have both friends and followers.
Requirements for aged accounts:
1) 3 months and older accounts fit into this category.
2) A month and/or a year of registration should be indicated in the description.
3) One application must have accounts of the same year.
Requirements for Buy Accounts with posts:
1) Posts must have acceptable quality, not duplicated. They must have no pornography or erotic content.
Requirements for accounts with useragent and cookies (if they are included):
1) Useragent and cookies must be in the last data blocks of the uploaded data. Example - login:password:email:password from email:useragent:cookies
2) Cookies must be in JSON format and base64 encoded.
Buy Game accounts requirements:
1) Make a full description, without slang abbreviations, when you apply for placing the game accounts. Your description should be understandable. It will be translated into other languages.
2) Accounts must be supplied with full access (email and all data required for changing passwords).
3) Accounts that require manual supplier relinking or any manual transfer are not accepted for sale.
4) If the description requires attaching screenshots, use for this and attach a link to the necessary images in the description.
Additional requirements for FACEBOOK Accounts:
1) The account's ID + ID BM should be indicated in the uploaded data if the account has a business manager.
2) If there is a token in the package, it must be the EAAB one.
Additional requirements for Buy Instagram Accounts:
1) The accounts must be older than 7 days before they are for sale.
2) Accounts' emails should be active/working. If the accounts do not have it they are rejected.
3) Accounts with real followers must have an original and verified email.
Additional requirements for Buy Telegram Accounts:
1) Accounts must not have been previously used.
2) Accounts are accepted for sale in tdata format.
3) Accounts should not have 2fa enable.
Additional requirements for
Buy Other accounts types of accounts:
1) Twitter accounts must be older than 5 days before they are for sale and other social networks accounts must be older than 3 days.
2) Additional information must be indicated in the uploaded data If it is required to log in to the accounts.
Example: additional (backup) email, security question, mobile phone number, etc.