- Accounts store

Accounts store

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  • The mirror site -
  • Be sure to read the store rules and public offer.
  • Read the detailed descriptions of the accounts. A detailed description opens when you click on the type of required accounts.
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1 follower on a profile on Instagram. The quality of accounts that follow: good (offers + bots). From 10% (more likely) to 20% (less likely) followers can be removed after the boost is completed. Order starts immediately after payment. THIS SERVICE ONLY WORKS WITH THE «FLAG FOR REVIEW» FEATURE DISABLED.

In stock 1  00247 pcs.

Price for each
0,7 $


  • This service only works with the «Flag for review» feature disabled. If this option is enabled, the service will not be performed, and no refund will be issued.
  • The quality of accounts that follow: good (offers + bots).
    Offers are users who receive rewards for targeted actions. Profiles of this type of accounts can be either empty or have posts, photos, and other information of any quality.
    Bots are automatically registered accounts that automatically perform targeted actions. Profiles of this type of accounts can be either empty or posts, photos, and other poor-quality information (have a strange nickname, many subscriptions, and posts of the same type).
  • From 10% (more likely) to 20% (less likely) followers can be removed after the boost is completed.
  • Location of accounts that perform follow: different IPs from all over the world with a predominant share of Russia and the CIS countries.
  • Order for boost followers starts immediately after the confirmation of payment.
  • In rare cases, the order may not be launched immediately, and the execution speed may be low. Especially for services with GEO. European countries, North America. 


  • Before ordering disable the «Flag for review» feature.
  1. Go to «Settings and activity»
  2. Select «Follow and invite friends»
  3. Disable the «Flag for review» feature.
  • Your account must be open.
  • Buy Other accounts activity on the target profile after the boost is not guaranteed but may be present.

Purchase recommendations.
- Use a proxy to work with accounts
- First, place an order for a small number of followers and check their quality
- Recommendations for using accounts: recommendations
- The services you can use when working with accounts: selection