Buy FB / Buy Facebook accounts | [PVA] Number of friends 100+ (friends and followers). Verified by e-mail, there is no email in the set. Male and female. The profiles information is partially filled. 2FA in the set. Token, cookies are included. Accounts are registered in Vietnam ip.

In stock 433 pcs.
Price for each0,777 $
- The Facebook accounts are registered automatically.
- Number of friends 100+ (friends and followers).
- Verified by e-mail, there is no email in the set.
- Male and female.
- 2FA in the set.
- Buy Accounts are registered in Vietnam ip.
- Two types of profiles are possible. 1. Not filled at all profile. 2. Partially filled profile (notes, photos and other information).
- Token, cookies are included.
Important: before using your account, change your photo to your own. This can help in the restoration of the account in case of self-identification. If you do not, then the account will not be replaced.
Important: Do not change email from your account right away. Mail from the account can only be changed after 2 weeks of active work with the account. If you change mail immediately, and the account is blocked, then it will not be replaced. It is better just to change the password from the mail.
Buy Accounts data format. The data format is specified to facilitate reading the received details and may differ slightly. It does not affect an account’s health
- login from facebook:password from facebook:2FA code:date of birth (2FA code for decode use 2fa.Live)
User guide to use site: click here
Recommendations for purchase.
- Buy VPN for $1
- Recommendations for using accounts: recommendations
- With which services you can work with accounts: a selection